
The tail wagging the dog

Remember the days you buy a CD player bundled with a free headphone? That’s just barely a decade ago. Today, you buy a headphone and get a free CD player1. This is very much like Criagslist looking to offer news or as someone said “the classified eating the rest of the papers”. How technology and […]

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Champion of IPv6

I got an angry email regarding my previous entry on overlay network which basically said “How can you call yourself champion of IPv6 for Singapore!?”. First, let me clarify that I am not against IPv6 – I still support IPv6 very much and hope it will succeed. But hope don’t change reality. Just like any […]

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IDN Travel

JiuZhaiGou Day 2

We managed to wrap up and conclude CDNC meeting by the morning (incidently, it is a good meeting – I am glad I am here!). So we decided to visit the famous 扎嘎瀑布 (Zhaga Waterfall) in the afternoon.    (you can see Prof. Qian waving if you look at the photo carefully ;-)

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IDN Travel


Woke up very early for CDNC meeting but what a view to wake up to:   (click here to see outside view) Anyway, we have a long day. But it is worth it as we achieved a lot. Looks like we going to have an exciting time ahead ;-)

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Skype call

Remember I said I don’t hang my Skype call? nearly 10hours of just background noise and snorings. I can’t imaging doing this on POTS. Oh, did I mention I did this from a hotel in the mountain of China? The voice quality is incredible, much better then I get from my mobile phone. I am […]

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Henry Sinnreich joins Pulver

Henry finally announced this, to put the rumours to rest :-) (via Richard Stantsy) I have started last week my new job at in the hope to contribute to SIP not being replaced by Skype and maybe we can also do something to interconnect all the SIP islands using URIs for IP-IP instead of […]

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NTU developed smallest antenna

Okay, apparently I missed this news in the papers two days ago (yea, I dont read papers anymore) but luckily, I picked it up from Xinhanet. Wow, Xinhuanet reporting a news in Singapore :-) Developed by NTU researchers, the circuit antenna boasts of less than 17 millimeters in width, similar to the diameter of the […]

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