
Day six in Japan

“Party” yesterday was like any standard formal function: Speeches, then speeches then more speeches. They seem determined to starved you before they allowed you to eat. The highlight of the party is (no! not the speeches) the traditional Japanese drum performance by the kids in Zao. The last time I saw drum performance was in […]

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Day one in Japan

This is my first day in Japan. Reach my hotel at 9am morning and too early to check in. But luckily, the hotel has broadband and so login to do some mail. Was hoping to hear back from Toru but didn’t…I hope he is okay. Have lunch with Adam Peake who works for GLOCOM. Izumi […]

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Internet Random Musing Travel

Day 2 in Korea

Catch up with many people today and really glad I can make it. APSTAR Retreat was really interesting especially the discussion of IP Telephony presentations from Japan, Korea and Thailand. When MPHPT agrees to open 050-XXXX-XXXX for IP Telephony for at least Class C licensee last year, that was a bold step. By the end […]

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Random Musing Travel

Day 1 in Korea

Took a red-eye (overnight) flight from Singapore to Seoul. I arrived intact in Seoul at 7:30am thinking I have sufficient time before my 9am meeting. Well, not knowing Hotel Lotte-Jamsil is 1hour away by cab, I took the cab and it cost 90,000WON (90USD)! *sigh* [Incidently, when the cab driver tells you “No English”, speaking […]

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