
Day one in Japan

Strange Fruits.JPGThis is my first day in Japan. Reach my hotel at 9am morning and too early to check in. But luckily, the hotel has broadband and so login to do some mail. Was hoping to hear back from Toru but didn’t…I hope he is okay.

Have lunch with Adam Peake who works for GLOCOM. Izumi was away for ICANN so he couldn’t join us. (Hmm, I wonder what happening at ICANN now). Adam current research is in a european broadband company so we exchanged some notes. While I like the company ideas, I think they may be in cashflow problem given the number of subscribers they have. (Oh yea, Adam, thanks for the golf tips! :-)

After Adam went back to office, I was at Roppongi Hills and saw this interesting temporary art peformance. I think it is called Strange Fruits. Before you click on the picture, please note that it is a 10Mb AVI file movie clip.

Got back to hotel, check in then head down to Ginza. Adam tells me that I must visit Bic P which is located just beside JR Yurakucho Station. Bic P is a shopping center with the usual japanese electronics, cool computers and …(prepare yourself)… Golf. Yes, golf clubs, golf set, golf bags, golf assessories, golf.

It is kind of werid but anyway, spend the rest of the day in the Big P drooling at the stuff there. It is really a test of willpower. Every cool gadgets somehow calls out to me, telling me how they could fit into the rest of the gadgets I have at home. You know, this nice looking flatscreen computer got me thinking how nice would it be to put it in the kitchen and how it can connect to my airport at home. Nevermind I already have 4 rackmount servers in my home office, 1 sony viao tv-computer (bought last year in Japan) in the living room, 1 PC in the bed room, 3 notebooks, and 2 PC in storage…I am sure I can find some use for yet-another-computer. Otherwise, I can put the blame on Adam.

Tired and feeling very guilty that I haven’t finish my speech for Tuesday. But hey, I been rehearshing it in my brain while I walk around Ginza and beside, it is a holiday in Singapore today :-)

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