
Day two in Japan

I have a very interesting breakfast with Joichi Ito. We discussed so many things, from layer 1 to layer 7 and many things above layer 7. It is unfortunate we didn’t have more time to talk as he has to run off for another meeting.

Lunch with Yoshiro Yoneya who is now with JPRS. Yoneya is one of the folks whom I worked very closely in the IDN days. Catch up a lot of things and apparently, Yoneya is now working on ENUM too. :-)

YamahaRT57i-connection.PNGAfter lunch we went to Akihabara (a Japan trip without going to Akihabara is incomplete :-) Yoneya showed me a very incredible device: Yamaha RT57i. Yamaha RT57i is a broadband router (ie, NAT box *sigh*) which is IPv6 enabled (!). It has 1 WAN port, 4 RJ45 ports and …(drum rolls)… 2 RJ11 ports. Yes, RJ11 ports which you can plug in any normal analog phone and device will turn it into a SIP phone!This is incredible (and I thought Yamaha only sells pianos). Not only provide a analog to SIP conversion, it actually tranverse through the NAT. And it is targetted at consumer as a residential gateway!

YamahaRT57i PictureAfter drooling on the device for a while, Yoneya invited me to JPRS to see their setup using Yamaha RT51i. JPRS is in the old JPNIC office which is just round the corner. I cant say what I see there but I am impressed!

So I did the natural thing: I bought the Yamaha! (Yes, Dickson, you can play this thing in the lab when I am back)

The rest of the evening went browsing around the shops here. It is a good idea to look carefully before you step in. I mean, you could end up in a shop where you don’t want your wife or girlfriend see you.

Tonight, I must do my speech…(I never write a speech for any presentation I do nor prepare beforehand but this presentation is kind of different from before…)

ps: Did I mention that the “standard” speed for ADSL service in Japan is 26M now? (Hmm, I thought the ADSLs specs goes only to 8M…)

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