Blogging Drupal 4 Bloggers

Migrating to Drupal

I love drupal. The source code is elegant and beautiful, and plugins are properly design, de-coupled and as-independent as you can get.

But as powerful as drupal. is, it is still fairly complex for a typical non-geek blogger. So instead of waiting around for it to be matured, I decided to start modifying drupal to make it suitable for bloggers to be at least good enough to replace MT.

Don’t get me wrong. I am grateful for MT as it introduces me to the world of blogging. But many little things in MT is getting on my nerves lately, like comments spams and the constant need to rebuild, makes drupal a God-sent. Above all, despite all my time and effort to write plugins for MT for comment spams, I still feel like an outsider, which makes me wonder why I even bother.

So I am going to stop working on MT from now and move over to Drupal with the focus to make Drupal “good enough” to replace MT. You can see some work in progress here and the list of todos.

Email me at if you interested in this project or better, interested to help out ;-)

ps: Somehow, I having a lot of trouble posting this entry. Arggh!

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