ENUM IDA Telephony VoIP

Its all about Numbers

Two news from IDA regarding numbers and numbers :-) 1. Public consultation on Number Portability (pdf) IDA intends to review the implementation for number portability for fixed line and mobile telecommunications services in Singapore. The review is in with IDA’s policy objectives of promoting competition in the infocommunications sector to benefit of consumers and businesses […]

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Telephony VoIP

Outlook of Telecom Industry

There are a lot of discussion about termination charges at VON. Particularly, the recent Madison River blocking Vonage incident bring out more horror stories about Rural LECs (e.g. high termination charges). Well, what do you expect? RLEC used to be a mini-monoploy and the gateway to their communtiy. In the past, there are no way […]

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WTF is Popular Telephony?

Andy, I like your blog but sorry, I have no idea whats up with Popular Telephony and its Peerio or GNUP. Help me out here – what exactly is the “patent-pending invention, Peerioâ„¢, defines the framework and principles for a state-of-the-art, next generation server-free IP telephony system.” (see Peerio) or where is the software agent […]

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Telephony VoIP

Yahoo! BB Phone

Sadahiro Sato, GM of BB Phone Service Division of Softbank, gave a very informative presentation. You can find the backbone of Yahoo! BB in Japan and they have acquired Japan Telecom last year really for their backbone network across Japan. And since Yahoo! BB has 22% of the telephony market share in Japan, nearly 33% […]

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Telephony VoIP

Warning about VoIP?

US warns on risk of net-based telephony reports FT Internet-based telephony known as voice over internet protocol, or VoIP promises lower costs and greater flexibility by using existing data networks. But a report by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which develops technology guidelines for US government agencies, warns of the “inherent vulnerabilities” of […]

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Telephony VoIP

Skype insecurity

Okay, let me be join the echo chamber regarding the problem with Skype voicemail. I called a colleague using skype, not knowing he was in another skype session. His Skype Answering Machine picked up and I left a message. First the parties on the call with him heard me. Secondly, I heard them. Both calls […]

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Telephony Toys and Gadgets

3G/Wifi Phone

Okay, after the Skype DualPhone, we have 3G/WiFi phone (via Richard Stansty): NTT DoCoMo and its regional subsidiaries are now offering business subscribers a dual-network 3G/VoIP handset that works as a 3G mobile phone, VoIP (voice-over-IP) terminal, or both simultaneously. The N900iL is based on a Linux-based 3G mobile phone software platform developed jointly by […]

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