IDA Random Musing

IDA allocates 2.3 Ghz and 2.5 Ghz spectrum for Trials and Commercial Deployment

While I am not directly involved in this, I am proud to see this announcement from IDA today! Well done! Congz to all all my friends who been working on this! The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) today announced the allocation of dedicated spectrum bands for trials and commercial deployment of wireless broadband. This […]

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Random Musing

Personal Glider

    One of my all time fav movie is Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind which feature a personal jet glider. I am very please to learn that OpenSky is attempting to build such a glider (via Slashdot). They even have a movie clip of the test flight! Now, I couldn’t wait to get my […]

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