Several weeks ago, Dr Lee Boon Yang, Minister for Information, Communications And The Arts, announced the launch of the RFP National Broadband Network (NBN) project for Singapore. The NBN project comes with a carrot of S$750m is a passive optical network fiber to the home (FTTH) that “will offer pervasive and competitively priced ultra high-speed […]
Merry Christmas
Instead of a typical Christmas E-Card, I think this powerpoint titled “Two Choices” that a friend send to me is more meaningful. It also reminded me of the Last Lecture by Randy Pausch whom I quote: “I think I’m clear where I stand on the great Tigger/Eeyore debate.” Merry Christmas! | View | Upload your […]
Google will change this industry forever
via C|Net Here’s the scenario: Google scoops up the 700MHz spectrum and works on it for (as most experts claim) about the next five years. During that time, the company continues to promote Android and bring more cell phone companies on board. Next, the company will secretly tell the manufacturers that it’s working on a […]
The Day The Routers Died…
Cool Musical commentary from the RIPE meeting :-)
The future of Touchscreen
Phones/PDA that comes with a touchscreen usually comes with a stylus. As such, the user interface for such touchscreen devices assume you always work with a stylus. It requires at least two hand to use which means you cannot use it while walking (usually carrying a bag) or driving. There are devices that does not […]
Are America’s Rich Falling Behind The Super-Rich?
From The Onion In The Know: Are America’s Rich Falling Behind The Super-Rich? Ho Ho Ho!
Asia: Broadband and US: 700Mhz
I met up with Dewayne two weeks ago in San Jose. Part of our conversations are (somewhat) confidential so I won’t talk about it here. But two things I like to share here. 1. There is a general mis-perception that broadband is cheaper in Asia than US. ITU recently publishes the cost of broadband on […]
VC meets Reality TV
You Be The VC contest Damnit, we were just brainstorming about this same idea a few weeks ago!
Journal of Economic Psychology : “I think I can, I think I can”: Overconfidence and entrepreneurial behavior
High failure rates and low average returns suggest that too many people may be entering markets as entrepreneurs. Thus, anticipating how one will perform in the market is a fundamental component of the decision to start a business. Using a large sample obtained from population surveys conducted in 18 countries, we study what variables are […]
Blogging about VoIP
During coffee last week, Om Malik said to me “You haven’t blog about VoIP for a while…” We know each another when we were invited to be on the blogger panel at VON several years ago. Om, now has a blogging empire, in all business and tech (not just VoIP). I replied him “There isn’t […]