Proposal to implement IDN TLD

During the breakfast pre-panel discussion, a few of us were sitting around and discussing IDN Top Level Domains (TLDs). Normally, such debates goes no where but surprisingly, we actually got some agreement this time! The first thing we note is that there is no perfect solution. Every proposals has some problems – it does not […]

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Politeness on Panel

Why is it that we have very interesting discussion openly during dinner or breakfast, but put everyone on a panel on stage, everyone become so quiet and so polite? This happened at my IDN Workshop yesterday. I wasn’t able to join the pre-panel dinner but I was told everyone have a lot of interesting debates. […]

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Arrived in Cape Town

Arrived in Cape Town last night. I think they overbooked the hotel so they give me a president suite1 which is pretty nice but pointless for me. Never figure out why anyone need such a big room. Anyway, I am here for the ICANN meeting. Particularly, I am helping to moderate a panel for the […]

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VoIP on Today

Today is a local Singapore newspaper. Several VoIP articles published today on Today created quite abit of storm so much so that i can hear it from the far-away land in Amsterdam. Check it out :-) Is that my PC that’s ringing? by Yew Hock Meng (old friend of mine from LGA). Taking the shackles […]

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IDN Top Level Domain

Update: This article is also published on CircleID. Last month, John Klensin wrote an article published on CircleID regarding Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) Top Level Domains (TLD). Based on his Internet Draft, John suggests using language translation in the application for TLD. The advantage of this method is that all existing TLDs can now be […]

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VoIP blog

I have the honour to be mentioned by Jeff Pulver as one of the VoIP bloggers. Thanks Jeff. I have great admiration for Jeff: continue to evangelise VoIP after so many years and willingness to put a greater cause (VoIP) before his self-interest. His perseveration afterall these years finally paid off and he is definately […]

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IPv6 Day

Jeff Pulver proposed an interesting idea called IPv6 Day: Collectivity we should pick a day, at some point in the near and foreseeable future and push everyone to reboot themselves and make it such that from that point forward, IPv6 will be supported on all networks which interact with the public Internet. In geeks term, […]

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