Arrived in Cape Town

Arrived in Cape Town last night. I think they overbooked the hotel so they give me a president suite1 which is pretty nice but pointless for me. Never figure out why anyone need such a big room.

Anyway, I am here for the ICANN meeting. Particularly, I am helping to moderate a panel for the IDN Workshop. I missed the IDN panel dinner last night so I catch up with my panelists only this morning. Other then the usual suspects from the ccTLD, we also have Microsoft (Michel) and Mozilla (Darin, presented by William) this time round. It is going to be fun ;-)

We also have pretty heated discussion on IDN.IDN2 which is pretty interesting. Most importantly, we actually have some rough consensus so I’m going to talk about that in the following policy panel later.

1 Yes, I am switching room later today.

2 See my previous article on IDN.IDN.

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