Skype with Video

Skype just launch their 2.0 beta which comes build in with Video support a week ago. From their FAQ: * Best ever call quality. * One-to-one video conversations with anyone, anywhere in the world. * Contact list grouping – organize your Skype contacts anyway you like by creating groups for ‘colleagues’, ‘friends’ and ‘family’,etc. * […]

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Thinking about AJAX

I remember attending Supernova last year and there is this small company demostrating a little web-based Email client they developed which looks and behave like Microsoft Outlook except it runs on a browser. After a very boring presentation which shows us nothing what Outlook cannot do, I remember Marc Canter finally not so politely shoo […]

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Google Analytics

I installed Google Analytics on several of the blogs I managed. So after collecting data for a week, it gave me some nice charts and one of them look like this: Pretty cool but I was wondering why I am getting so much traffic from pbs.org. So going through my logs, I discovered one of […]

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