

It is almost impossible to find a consumer broadband provider that gives you decent upload bandwidth wrt to the download bandwidth. Look around…all these offers of 512kbpx or 1.5mbps broadband access usually comes with 128kbps or even 64kbps upload! “Why would consumers needs more then 128kbps upload bandwidth?” question comes from the perspective that consumers […]

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FTTH in Japan

The April statistics (via Adam Peake) shows FTTH in Japan is growing nearly at 100,000 new subscribers per month! While the FTTH is bearly 1M subscribers (out of 14M broadband subscribers), the grow rate is very significant. I wonder why the sudden surge of interest in FTTH in Japan…something to check out when I am […]

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ENUM Internet


I have a very interesting dinner last night with Michael Robertson and Jeff Bonforte, CEO and President of respectively. Most people will know Michael as the founder of and Lindows. They are in town for their big announcement with Singtel. (Yes, 1-747-xxx-xxxx will be routed from Singapore soon :-) It is a social […]

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Futurist Internet

More on Horizontal Layering…

In my previous entry, I discussed about the changes in the telecommunication industry to a world where data, IP Packets particularly, is the main revenue generator1 and Voice would become just one of the many application/service provided on top of the data world. Now, such radical change is extremely disruptive even though it is likely […]

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Skype secures $18.8m funding (via Dave Farber IPer). Skype, a London-based company that is enjoying strong growth with software enabling free phone calls over the internet, has secured $18.8m (?11m) in second-round funding. Okay, I am a happy user of Skype. But would I invest in them without bottomline? Sure, if it is a “sell […]

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Secure Web?

Think you are safe if the site you visit have a “lock”? Think again (via Slashdot) Scammers can also configure their web server so that deceptive SSL certificates won’t trigger an alert in the user’s browser. “One of the SSL encoding methods is ‘plain text’,” Neal Krawetz from Secure Science Corporation noted in the SANS […]

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