Trying out this moblogging tool by dave winer call Not sure how useful tho. Its just a website that is customized for a mobile screen size, something most blogging tools can easily do. I was hoping to look for something like ecto on Symbian.
Author: jseng
The Starfish and the Spider
The Starfish and The Spider by Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstorm A friend recommended me the book 2 months ago. I went to Borders only to be told it will only come out in end Oct. It is a long wait but probably worth it. I havent read it yet but heck, the book has […]
Warcraft Latency
This is what you get when you tried to play World of Warcraft on a moving bus over 3G haha :-)
My little Fonera
I met Martin in Japan few months ago where he talks about working with Taiwanese manufacturer to make customized base stations for FON. Downloading firmware into WRT54g may be fun for a technie but perhaps not for the masses. So why not make their own boxes? Afterall, you can easily find a manufacturer for US$20-25 […]
Bulgarian Foreign Minister starts his blog
Veni just send me an email to inform me that Bulgarian Foreign Minister starts his blog, meets Paul Twomey and Joichi Ito, and uses CreativeCommons! Minister Kalfin started his own blog, to be found at, where he will be discussion issues about Bulgarian foreign policy, EU membership, etc. The blog is based on open […]
Me? Banker?
Someone email me today and asked me if I have become a banker? Hahaha. I am still a technologist. And I hang around with bankers enough to know I am definitely not qualify to be one. However, it was pretty flattering when Edwin (below) asked me the same question when I met him in Shanghai. […]
Edwin Nimpuno
Edwin J. Nimpuno, the former Indonesian banker I met in Shanghai. He is now retired in Shanghai but still actively investing in property in Shanghai as well as helping various groups like Tuan Sing (another Indonesian group which is investing big in Shanghai). With permission :-)
Nokia E61
My new toy, Nokia E61, the supposingly Blackberry-killer from Nokia. Got this yesterday and took sometime to play with it :-) I love the full keyboard. It is actually usable! (and does not take too long to get used to) I also like the big screen. I feels really good to read email on such […]
Investing in WiMAX?
A question I got quite often lately that is particularly not easy to answer. The first thing to establish is what do the person mean by WiMAX? Because there are actually two kind of WiMAX, Fixed (802.16d) and Mobile (802.16e). The former is often used in point-to-point links whereas the latter is a point-to-multi-point configuration. […]
Shanghai Shanghai
This isn’t the first time I was in Shanghai. Yet, Shanghai is a new city to me every trip. The more I come, the less I seem to know about the city. Shanghai development is still going fast. You can still see a lot of buildings being built. The streets are packed and people are […]