
Singapore Number Portability

A few days ago, IDA called for bids to operate the centralized number portability database for Singapore.

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) issued the Request for Proposal on the Centralised Number Portability Database Solution (RFP) to invite interested ICT companies to submit proposals for the provision and operation of the Centralised Number Portability Database in Singapore. The RFP arose from IDA’s 2 August 2006 announcement to implement True Number Portability in Singapore from fourth quarter of 2007.

Wasn’t Singapore one of the first country in Asia to have number portability? Well, as I noted before: “What we have in Singapore now is “Call Forwarding” and we are trying to move to “Onward Routing” or “All Call Query”. Both will give us true number portability (ie, the Caller ID will match your number)”

Incidently, a friend called me up a few weeks ago as he was assigned by his company to look at this thing called “number port that government is calling for bid”.

Friend: Hey, you know anything about number portability?

Me: Erm, yea. Kind of…what can I do to help?

Friend: So hur, who is most likely to win?

Me: Well, Neustar has put a lot of effort in this area for a while so they are in a good position whereas I am not aware of any Telecordia activities.

Friend: So should my company partner Neustar?

Me: Sure why not? If you can convience them to partner, good for you!

Friend: But but..why would they partner with us?

Me: Thats for you to figure out right?

Friend: Shouldnt government make it such that no foreign companies can bid for it?

Me: Huh? Why?

Friend: So they have a reason to partner with us.

Me: … (WTF!)

My dear friend, Singapore government no longer works in that way…not anymore in the Telecom sector.

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