Random Musing

Petronas CNY 2006 Advertisement

My previous entry on Petronas CNY advertisment has gathered a lot of interest. Many asked me if I know where they can see it online. I have been keeping an eye on Petronas website, esp. the section that post these video clips but so far no luck. So I am surprised when I found it on Google Video today :-) Without further ados, here it is!

Incidently, all the Petronas festival advertisements were made by Yasmin Ahmad (yes, she has a blog so go drop her a note!). Yasmin is a talented director who also directed SePeT, the winner of the Best Film in the Malaysian Film Festival 2005 and the winner of the Best Film in Tokyo International Film Festival 2005 (see trailer) Her latest work is Gubra which I am sure will win some awards too. (see trailer)

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