
Yahoo! Creative Common Search Engine

Wohoo! Yahoo released a Creative Common Search Engine!

Actually, this isn’t the first. Creative Commons actually also developed their own search engine. They mention it is based on Semantic Web (yah!) at ETech last week. But Yahoo! probably has the ability to reach more people and bring awareness to Creative Commons.

Now, all eyes is on Google :-)

Incidently, Lessig has this to say

This is exciting news for us. It confirms great news about Yahoo!. I met their senior management last October. They had, imho, precisely the right vision of a future net. Not a platform for delivering whatever, but instead a platform for communities to develop. With the acquisition of Flickr, the step into blogging and now this tool to locate the welcome mats spread across the net, that vision begins to turn real.

Yahoo! may be late to the party but they certain got the right ideas :-)

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