Toys and Gadgets

iPod Shuffle & Mac Mini

MacWorld just started and as usual, Steve announced two new product: iPod Shuffle and Mac Mini.

ipod-shuffle.jpgiPod Shuffle, a even smaller version to iPod Mini which comes with 512Mb or 1Gb for your MP3. Sure, there are similar product out there (e.g. Creative MuVo), but hey, it is an Apple, with its ubercool design and best of all, at only US$99 which is incredible affordable. I would seriously consider this if I have got my iPod.

mac-mini.jpgNext is the Mac Mini, a SFF (Small Form Factor) Mac which also have a small price tag, US$499 :-) It is Mac Cube redux, it is Mac version of Shuttlebox (or mini-ITX), and above all, it is Apple answer to all the PC-iPod user: Buy a Mac box which cost only as much as your iPod which can replace your dell machine!

I would like to see a bigger harddisk (80Gb don’t cut it) and perhaps with a TV tuner card so I can run my MythTV PVR on it. But hey, this is good enough for me: It runs silently which means it is a perfect MythTV frontend! (Yes, MythTV runs on MacOSX). It is a super cool box that I can put beside my DVD player and hide my MythTV box in my rack. Heck, forget the DVD player!

So when will we get to see Mac Shuffle? :-)

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