Toys and Gadgets

Linux on iPod

ipodlinux.jpg One of my guys, Arvind, took the 3rd Generation iPod I bought in US yesterday. Today, he return my iPod with a Penguin on it :- Linux on iPod :P

What can it do? Well, other then playing MP3 (which strangely is bit slower), I can play some of the Linux games like tetris, pong, etc. Pretty Cool. Now, I am praying he can revert this back to my normal firmware even tho it is dual boot.

What the heck we doing this? Well, that’s something I cannot say here but hey, it is something fun so why not? Anyway, the reason Arvind asked for my iPod is because after combing the whole Sim Lim & Funan, it seem there are only iPod Photo & mini left in Singapore’s store. Not even 4G (which btw can’t do this) … iPod selling that well huh?

ps: I didn’t have digital camera with me so I stole the iPod picture from here. But that’s how it looks.

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