Asia Pacific ENUM Engineering Team

Press Release about Formation of APEET

Singapore, July 19, 2004[CNNIC] (China Network Information Center), [JPRS] (Japan Registry Service), [KRNIC] (Korea Network Information Center), [SGNIC] (Singapore Network Information Center) and [TWNIC] (Taiwan Network Information Center) today announced the formation of Asia Pacific ENUM Engineering Team (APEET), an informal technical project team formed to coordinate and synergize ENUM activities in the Asia Pacific region.

The proposal to form APEET was discussed during an ENUM BoF (Birds-of-a-Feather) session at APRICOT (Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies) in February 2004. Founding member organizations of APEET shared a common vision that as a collective group, they will be able to achieve greater community awareness and better interoperability of ENUM-based trials.

“ENUM allows IP devices to be assigned a telephone number which is globally interoperable,” says James Seng, Chairman of APEET. “It is a key enabling technology for seamless IP Telephony which will greatly benefit the end-users.”

Before the formation of APEET, each member organization has been conducting its own ENUM trials, most of which are isolated trials conducted within each member organization’s country/region. With the formation of APEET, member organizations will be able to implement technical solutions that facilitate ENUM trials across Asia Pacific.

“We are extremely excited about the formation of this much needed organization,” says Hiro Hotta, Director JPRS. “We are ready to bring ENUM trials to the next level.”

One of APEET’s key project is to implement a live ENUM trial at APRICOT 2005, Kyoto, Japan. The live trial will allow hundreds of APRICOT participants to experience IP Telephony using wireless SIP Phones and calling each another with standard 10-key telephone interface via ENUM. The live trial, believed to be the first of its kind, will serve to demonstrate and educate the technical community on the power, capabilities and feasibility of ENUM together with SIP.

“This looks like one of the most exciting events of 2005 with a demonstration of technologies to rock Asia Pacific”, says Richard Shockey, co-Chair of Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) ENUM Working Group.

The formation of APEET has been well received by the Industry. (APNIC) Asia Pacific Network Information Center has extended its goodwill to host DNS records of “apenum.org” – the selected “golden root” of APEET technical trials. APEET is also fortunate to have individual experts member such as Richard Shockey.

APEET welcomes all Asia Pacific ccTLD administrators (or its designated representatives) to join and contribute towards the success of ENUM adoption in Asia Pacific.

For more information, please visit http://www.apenum.org

Media Contact:

James Seng

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