
Champion of IPv6

I got an angry email regarding my previous entry on overlay network which basically said “How can you call yourself champion of IPv6 for Singapore!?”. First, let me clarify that I am not against IPv6 – I still support IPv6 very much and hope it will succeed. But hope don’t change reality. Just like any […]

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NTU developed smallest antenna

Okay, apparently I missed this news in the papers two days ago (yea, I dont read papers anymore) but luckily, I picked it up from Xinhanet. Wow, Xinhuanet reporting a news in Singapore :-) Developed by NTU researchers, the circuit antenna boasts of less than 17 millimeters in width, similar to the diameter of the […]

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IDA Technology

Interview with Digital Life

Last week, we had an interview with Aaran Tan (of Digital Life) in IDA. He is looking for something to write on Semantic Web so we took an opportunity to show him the Digital Content Exchange prototype. The article was published today. Overall, great article for a layman to understand Semantic Web (he removed all […]

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