Random Musing

What happened to my blogs?

Something is going on today: Many of the blogs I read today has been redirected to pairNIC, a domain name registrar. None of them have expired domain names but they have some in common – registered by pairNIC and hosted on typepad.com redirected via blogs.com. After some investigations, it seem that the problem is isolated […]

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Random Musing Travel

Back from Road Trip

Here’s are two stories from our road trip that I am sure mrbrown wouldn’t tell you: a) We arrived a bit late to the party so the table was almost full when we arrived. As I introduced mrbrown to Joi, there was a soft rambling across the whole table ‘mrbrown..brown..brown..own..owned!’. There is no doubt mrbrown […]

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Random Musing


A perfect example of “rip, remix and share” culture! Sound from the preview of Matrix and video clips from various scene Naruto, all of them splice together in perfect timing (including the mouth synchronization :-) Let it go and watch creativity prosper!

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ICANN Random Musing

Two Congratulations

Today, Doug Barton of IANA announced that AfriNIC got their first AS (36864-37887) and IPv4 allocation (41/8). That’s mean they are finally operational. Congratulation! It has been a long journey! I also learnt an old friend Jay Chang was appointed as Deputy CFO of Tom.com (via xinhuanet and also on forbes). Couldn’t get in touch […]

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Random Musing

iPod One

Cool. Even President Bush has his own iPod, iPod One to be exact :-) “iPod One,” as the player has been dubbed, is used by Bush while he pedals around his Texas ranch on a mountain bike, presidential media adviser Mark McKinnon told the newspaper. The task of downloading the music falls to the 58-year-old […]

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