Random Musing

Night Safari with Mao Wei

Mao Wei who is in Singapore for APNIC EC meeting. We usually meet overseas, like in Cape Town or Kyoto. I guess going to Night Safari with him is the least I could do to return the kind hospitality in JiuZhaiGuo and Xiamen. (Yes, that is Gwen with us on the trip. Another story another […]

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Random Musing

Having fun @ Supernova Backchannel

Part of the fun of attending a tech conference is the backchannel. [In references to the panel on The Social Web: Choices and Voices] (1:38:51 AM) jseng: erm, i have no idea what they are talking on the panel matters (1:39:20 AM) davidjoho: jseng, they are in the unique consumer personalization long tail bucket. Clear? […]

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Random Musing

Meet the People

Some of the people I met today, not in any particular order: – Douglas Merrill – John Seely Brown – Cory Ondrejka and Jean Miller (yes again :-) – Paul Saffo – Madanmohan Rao – James Lim – Jose L. Encarnacao Its late and I need to go to bed so I can wake up […]

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Random Musing

Busy week

This is going to be a busy week for tech geeks in Singapore. CommunicAsia and BroadcastAsia is happening this week. In conjunction of CommunicAsia and BroadcastAsia, IX 2007 also bought about a whole list of interesting speakers in town, like Cory Ondrejka and Jeremiah Owyang. Speaking of Jeremiah Owyang, we are going to have dinner […]

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