Random Musing

Having fun @ Supernova Backchannel

Part of the fun of attending a tech conference is the backchannel.

[In references to the panel on The Social Web: Choices and Voices]

(1:38:51 AM) jseng: erm, i have no idea what they are talking on the panel matters
(1:39:20 AM) davidjoho: jseng, they are in the unique consumer personalization long tail bucket. Clear?
(1:39:56 AM) nicolelazzaro: I have no idea what they are paneling on the talk, jseng
(1:41:29 AM) jseng: joho, ya, they are doing innovative paradigm-shifting transparent process re-engineering long-tail customization for user centric application
(1:41:53 AM) davidjoho: ah, thank you, jseng. For a moment there I actyually thought I understand what they were talking about!

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