

从上个世纪末,互联网已经成为我们的生活方式。 对一个互联网工程师来说,互联网的最大魅力,不在于它可以让我和远国外的亲人只隔着一个屏幕那么远,不在于我可以随时知晓埃博拉的传播动态,也不在于我可以将我电脑中的电影推送到好友家中的NAS上。互联网的振奋人心之处,在于上世纪70年代创立互联网的那群极客的政治理想:端到端,去中心化,分布式,平等、开放,所带来的创新性。 互联网精神是共产主义的美好信念。它讲究无产阶级,人人公平,共建共享和开放奉献。TCP/IP协议是自愿遵循的,接入的同时意味着索取和奉献,我们获取信息,也生产内容;但互联网不是一个单一的主张:它不是狂热口号下人性穿上统一的衣裳。互联网没有统一的政治理想,哈耶克还是马克思,女性自由或者男权至上,全球变暖是不争的事实还是政治手段,都可以辩论。互联网拒绝理所当然,欢迎异见分子。 在互联网精神的核心下我们有了一张巨大创新能力的网。 有开源的Linux,免费的邮箱(SMTP),也有了腾讯,阿里巴巴与百度这些伟大的互联网企业。 然而,在过去的40年间,互联网精神在中国步履蹒跚。08年起,我开始在中国定居,从事互联网创业和互联网项目的投资。很快我发现,中国互联网与国际互联网差异巨大。 举例说明。92年起,我开始做互联网,也多年在亚洲与欧美国家为互联网事业走动,对于全球很多国家的互联网状况都不陌生。然而来到中国后,我第一次听到“南北互通”这个名词,在此之前,我在任何国家都未听过不同的网络需要解决互联互通的问题。我记得当时问我的下属:“不能互联互通的网还是互联网吗?”

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Internet Technology

IPv4 Address Usage

Happy New Year As we start on a new year, lets look at the 2006 IPv4 Address Use Report The current (jan 1st, 2007) figure for 2005 is 175.52 million addresses. Together with adjustments for earlier years, this brings the total addresses available to almost exactly 1.3 billion, down from 1468.61 million a year ago. […]

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The players in Net Neutrality

Believe in Net Neutrality Do not believe in Net Neutrality Believe in Regulation Fair Market ThinkersBelieve there is a market failure and that government should step in to ensure fair and level playing field Bell-HeadsWant a Two-Tier Internet Do not believe in Regulation Net-HeadsWant Net Neutrality but do not want government to regulate the Internet […]

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Internet Travel

After Internet2

Guess whats the event after Internet2? Okay, Cruise Missile is definitely out of my league :) Anyway, this Internet2 trip for me is all about routing: How network A connect to network B when there are multiple paths, one shorter latency and another bigger pipe and unfortunately not both at the same time, and how […]

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