“At KFC, we do chicken right!” get translated to “在肯德基,我們做鸡是对的!” which unfortunately means “At KFC, we’re right to be prostitutes.”. Haha. (via mrbrown)
Convergence, Taiwanese style
Via Yam i519也是OKWAP第一支無天線設計折疊機,主螢幕為26萬色、三頻通訊、重量105公克,130萬畫素照相功能、數位及光學變焦、180度翻轉上蓋拍照、手寫輸入觸控螢幕、免學習聲控、來電簡訊過濾、JAVA遊戲、FM收音機、MP3音樂、MPEG4影片播放、擴充RS MMC記憶卡、1000組電話簿等多種功能,顏色有黑、銀色兩種選擇,建議售價1萬2900元。 Lets see..260k color, triband, weight 105grams, 1.3megapix camera, twirl-able screen, stylus-input, message filtering, java games, fm radio, plays mp3 music and mpeg4 video and cost ..hmm..US$500. (Yes yes, it still remember it is a phone!) 另外,OKWAP昨天也發表一支直立式H105「寶貝機」,鑑於今年初其他業者推出玩具熊造型,只有4個按鍵不夠便利,結果市場反應欠佳的經驗,OKWAP這支「寶貝機」保留了一般手機原有的功能及按鍵,再加上SOS簡訊快撥、通話時間限制、貼心學習、國語字典、英漢字典等功能,單機建議售價5880元。 Okay, another one which comes with (Traditional) Chinese-English dictionary at US$200. Hats off to Taiwanese […]
JET Open Letter to Microsoft
— Original in PDF format — Mr. Steve Ballmer Chief Executive Officer Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399 Cc: Mr. Bill Gates Chairman and Chief Software Architect Microsoft Corporation Cc: Mr. Michel Suignard Senior Program Manager Microsoft Corporation Dear Mr. Ballmer, We, members of the JET (Joint Engineering Team), send this open […]
Perspective change
Believe it or not, I once argued on a mailing list (back in 96/97) that “Why do I want to run my voice over IP over modem over voice line?” and “if VoIP is good enough to the entreprise, why haven’t CIOs drop their phone network”. Now, it is not as if I don’t have […]
Zaurus and Zaurus
My new toy – Zaurus C3000 which comes with a 4Gb hitachi harddisk on the right. The C3000 is slightly thicker then my C760 (on the right) and a bit heavier but otherwise, almost the same. The keyboard feel is also much better. I love this series of Sharp Zaurus which unfortunately only sold in […]
April Fool RFCs
While normal human beings celebrate April Fools by making publishing their transparent desktop picture on national newspaper, geeks publish standards like UTF-9/UTF-18 and Morality requirements for Routing. Look, geeks can be funny too! (ie, if you can understand the joke :-) Anyway, IETF has a traditional to publish April Fool RFCs and I always watch […]
Journalism is a verb, not a noun
Via Jeff Jarvis Many knickers are twisting into knots over the questions ofwho is a journalist and how to save journalism. But those are the wrong questions. Journalism is not defined by the person who does it or by the medium or the company that delivers it. Journalism is not a thing. It is an […]
IT investment and productivity
Someone sent me this chart which is supposingly presented during 21st Century Communications World Forum by Marconi. Unfortunately, I could not find the sources nor the data point to support this. Have anyone seen this before? And before anyone asked, yes, I did tried to google for it but no answer. Or rather, I get […]
The Common Sense Model
Although I missed Infocomm Technology Roadmap 2 weeks ago in Singapore (I was at ETech), the folks here have recorded the session. So earlier this week, I spend sometime watching John Seely Brown speech on The Common Sense Model. 1. Supply Push –> Demand Pull, e.g. Mass Media –> Search Driven Ads 2. New Forms […]