Common sense prevailed

Yohoo! In the case of Vonage vs unnamed LEC (Madison River), Common Sense : 1, Stupidity : 0. Even though the decision is pretty much expected, I am surprised how fast this gets resolved. Thank you, FCC and Mr. Powell! Fresh on MSN and InternetWeek: In a first-of-its-kind penalty, a telephone company will pay $15,000 […]

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VoIP : To Regulate or not Regulate?

I was reading the latest issue of ITU News and on the front cover of the magazine is as titled above. It is a informative article, particularly with survey of the 132 ITU Member States on the regulatory regime for VoIP. But unfortunately, never really answer the question: To Regulate or not Regulate? While many […]

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Telephony VoIP

Yahoo! BB Phone

Sadahiro Sato, GM of BB Phone Service Division of Softbank, gave a very informative presentation. You can find the backbone of Yahoo! BB in Japan and they have acquired Japan Telecom last year really for their backbone network across Japan. And since Yahoo! BB has 22% of the telephony market share in Japan, nearly 33% […]

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News report on APEET

Reported on Nikkeibp (Sorry, Japanese only): アジア太平洋地区におけるENUMの普及団体APEET(Asia Pacific ENUM Engineering Team)が,国内初となる公開通話デモンストレーションを実施している。2月21日から25日にかけて京都で開催中のインターネット基盤技術のアジア太平洋国際会議「APRICOT2005」の会場内で,参加者同士が自由に体験できる。実験の責任者である日本レジストリサービス(JPRS) 技術研究部の米谷嘉朗部長代理によると,「ENUMの実験を国内で一般公開するのは初めて」だという。 (my bad translation: APEET conducted the first telephony trial in Japan. Participants at APRICOT 2005 can experience the new technology and make calls freely among themselves from 21st to 25th. Yoneya-san @ JPRS “This is the first public ENUM trial in Japan.”) The […]

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GSM – watch VoIP

via Telecom Asia The emergence of VoIP apps like Skype isn’t just bothering fixed-line telcos – the prospect of VoIP over wireless LANs is making cellcos nervous too. Some see it as a threat, some as an opportunity, but many see it as inevitable and something that can’t be ignored. “VoIP is a huge threat, […]

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SHA-1 broken

From Bruce Schneier: SHA-1 has been broken. Not a reduced-round version. Not a simplified version. The real thing. The research team of Xiaoyun Wang, Yiqun Lisa Yin, and Hongbo Yu (mostly from Shandong University in China) have been quietly circulating a paper announcing their result SHA is a US standard hash function which is used […]

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