
Out of New York

Dinner with Arun followed by an early meeting with Jeff Pulver. Spend a little more then 3hrs at Jeff’s office and it is an interesting experience to see how works :-) [Update: Jeff posted the picture on his blog :-)] Have to leave after lunch immediately to catch my flight to Cape Town for […]

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The Daily Drucker

The Daily Drucker – by Peter F. Drucker I am a great fan of Peter Drucker. His articles on business, creativity, innovation, management are not only ahead of his times but also rightly on the mark. He invented numerous terms we used daily, like cost-centre (altho he regret it), management-by-walking-around, knowledge worker and knowledge economy. […]

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I realized I never mention why I am in Busan – I was invited to give a tutorial at Korea Internet Operation Conference (KIOC) organized by NIDA. Other then myself, Jun-ichiro Hagino, Jim Reid, Michael Harberler are also here. Jun gave a tutorial on IPv6, Jim on DNS IPv6 and Michael & myself on ENUM. […]

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