

I realized I never mention why I am in Busan – I was invited to give a tutorial at Korea Internet Operation Conference (KIOC) organized by NIDA. Other then myself, Jun-ichiro Hagino, Jim Reid, Michael Harberler are also here. Jun gave a tutorial on IPv6, Jim on DNS IPv6 and Michael & myself on ENUM.

KIOC is “opened” in a typical Asian style, graced by the Busan mayor, the former Korean IT Minister, the chairman of KISPA (Korea ISP Association), and of cos, the President of NIDA, Dr. Song. Dr. Song and his right hand man, Dr. Sir are both old friends and it is nice to catch up with them.

I also have a fun time with Prof. Han, who is one of the chair of KIOC. Prof. Han is one of the close friend who has given me a lot of help over the years. He is also just promoted to be the Dean of his school. Congz! ;-)

The last time I gave a talk at KIOC (or at least, the pre-cursor to KIOC) was in 1999 where I talk about IDN in Daejeon. Five years later, I am here to talk about ENUM. Wondering what other new technologies will I do again in 2009 :-)

ps: Shin has been a great host! Thanks for all the Korean BBQ, Sashimi and Cass Beers :-)

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