Bus 44
Category: Random Musing
Netease setup office next to The9
Most people would have know by now that The9 lost the World of Warcraft China franchise to NetEase. Last week, I found out we have a new neighbor in Zhangjiang, two story below us. We are located in the building behind The9. There is this big sign board outside the building by NetEase recruiting people […]
a deaf tries to play violin…
One of the hottest vids going around in China right now.
Pro-Family is not Pro-Feminism
I am happy that the saga with Aware so far (it is too early to say it has ended). My wife and me watch the whole episode with great interest, although our position on various issues are different. She is pro-family and I am pro-choice but we are both against the ex-new Exco of Aware. […]
Think Funeral. Think Marriage. Think Family.
via mrbrown
Empires are not build by one man
When we read about successful people, we often read about how capable he is in certain field of specialty. Warren Buffet, the Oracle of Omaha, world’s greatest stock market investor. Bill Gates, Billionaire Computer Genius, world’s richest man. We tend to overemphasis on the man and overlooked the fact that successful men are successful because […]
Hiring after layoffs
So there was this news that Google is still hiring after layoffs, which I normally won’t consider a “news”. I don’t find it unusual; any company would have fat is some portion but always desperately looking for talents in others, layoff or otherwise. But speaking to one of the staff recently, I just realized how […]
Free market competition
Try to explain why PVG-PEK-SFO ticket is CHEAPER than PEK-SFO ticket. Same airline and even same flight code. No, I am so silly to fly back to PVG (Shanghai) only to take a PVG-PEK-SFO cheaper ticket. Anyway, back in SFO yet again. 3rd time this month. The guy at the immigration was puzzled. Me too.
Wofo Temple – 卧佛寺
RMB 10 each from Wofo Temple…hand-made from leaves. Dragon Phoenix
The End of Wall Street’s Bloom
Stuck with day-to-day fire fighting, I finally got around to read the excellent article by Michael Lewis. It is a wonderful article of how the whole financial sector breakdown, to the world we have today, in simple terms of how CDO and CDS adds to the mess we are in. (I understand CDO, but I […]