Technology Travel

Japan trip

This is why I love coming to Japan :-) This is why I (or anyone) shouldn’t go to Joi Ito‘s lab, ever :-( And before I forgot, this is the latest FOMA P901iTV – watch TV on the phone :-) Beside the little hiccup of calling Martin Varsavsky‘s room only to get his tired and […]

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Random Musing Travel

In Tokyo

Okay, I have to eat my words: 13 base stations around my house isnt really that bad because this is what you get in downtown Tokyo. 46 base stations! O_O Yes, I am in Tokyo right now. Tokyo is one of my favourite city (not the cost of living tho). I always like Japanese people […]

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Random Musing Technology

Wireless for Everyone

On the trip in Cambodia, Boon Leong related to me a story about Michael Yap making a comment to the press along the line “the government should give email to everyone in Singapore”. We were impressed that Minister Dr. Lee actually took time to respond to him (along the line, we don’t need to give […]

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Random Musing

Student Bloggers Crackdown

Elementary Students Suspended For MySpace Postings Two students were suspended at an Oak Lawn elementary school last week after the principal discovered questionable postings on a popular Web site, parents said. The MySpace postings allegedly contained foul language, a digitally altered photo of George Bush sticking up his middle finger, pop-ups of women in bikinis […]

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The Future of Credit Cards

Via Make Blog Very soon, credit card companies and game makers will reward their customers who spend money in the real world using private label “rewards” credit cards. They will use gifts of virtual currency such as Blizzard’s World of Warcraft gold and Second Life’s Linden dollars. Yep, thats Joi Ito‘s gnome mage in World […]

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