Random Musing

Proud Achievement

Was sorting out my photos and thought I should share this. It is a CV from an operator employee that reads: “Lead a team in various business functions to address the regulatory environment with the telecommunications regulator and telecommunications ministry to optimitise “X’s” position through lobbying – delayed implementation of potentially adverse regulatory stipulations by […]

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Technology Travel


I got the most interesting speaker gift this trip: Flexopower, a portable solar battery charger for mobile phone made by a company in Johannesburg. I havent got the time to play with it but it sound pretty cool. Hey, now I can continue to make phone calls under the hot sun! I also visited a […]

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The Castle Kyalami

Arrived in Johannesburg and checked into The Castle Kyalami outside the city. This is where iWeek is going to be held.    There are wireless in the hotel but it wasn’t working very well. The hotel staff unfortunately is not helpful. So, I went around the castle and managed to figure out the cabling and […]

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Books Travel

On my way….

It was a crazy back in Singapore. Less than 4 hours of sleep daily, running from meetings to meeting in the day time, and then chucking out reports in the evening and reviewing contracts in my sleep. Gosh, I havent even see my daughter and wife for the last 48 hours! Now, I am on […]

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