Guess whats the event after Internet2? Okay, Cruise Missile is definitely out of my league :) Anyway, this Internet2 trip for me is all about routing: How network A connect to network B when there are multiple paths, one shorter latency and another bigger pipe and unfortunately not both at the same time, and how […]
Author: jseng
Politics of Net Neutrality
Just read this commentary The Chicago Sun Times reports that AT&T has donated $1 million to a community center founded by Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.). Rush is a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, which is writing telecom law that would give AT&T everything telcos want, from killing net neutrality, to letting telcos establish […]
Digital City Expo
Went over to Reston to attend the Digital City Expo. Vint Cerf was the keynote speaker :) I am surprised to see so many city government officials, mostly for their fact finding trip to deploy their own muni-wireless. The driver for deploying the muni-wireless however is very different compared to metro-wireless or those deployed in […]
Save The Internet
Joining the echo chamber (altho a bit late), Viral Marketing Contest to Save The Internet by Jeff Pulver. Ok, I am officially putting my money where my mouth is. I am initiating a viral video/ad contest to save the Internet. I am fed up with the current wave of soundbites, platitudes, ads and marketing flooding […]
In Washington
20+ hrs but finally arrived safely in Washington. All I can say is I really love SQ22, the direct non-stop flight from Singapore to New York. By the way, here are some breath taking photos I took while we fly over the north pole. I also love attending a conference where the organizer actually provide […]
Going to US
Packing my stuff right now for a long trip to attend the Internet2 meeting in Virginia. Haven’t being back to US for a while and I dont really look forward to the jetlag :-( Oh yea, a friend told me I should also dropped by Digital City Expo since I will be there.
Microsoft To Support Linux
Wall Street Journal Amazing story wasn’t it, when that iconic tech company said it would help users run the operating system of its longtime rival as well as its own? No, not the Apple Computer-Windows announcement, but one made at about the same time that got vastly less attention, even though it may be more […]
PIKOM PC Fair 2006
I wrote this couple of days ago but didnt publish because I am concerned about the sensitivity. But heck, I think I think too much… — I went up to KL yesterday to catch up some friend and found out PIKOM PC Fair start today at KLCC. PIKOM is the Computer Association of Malaysia and […]
Japan trip
This is why I love coming to Japan :-) This is why I (or anyone) shouldn’t go to Joi Ito‘s lab, ever :-( And before I forgot, this is the latest FOMA P901iTV – watch TV on the phone :-) Beside the little hiccup of calling Martin Varsavsky‘s room only to get his tired and […]
China to regulate Internet Email Services
Just got this from my inbox: China to regulate Internet Email Service … in order to regulate Internet Email Services and safeguard the legal rights of the end users, Ministry of Information Industry (MII) of P. R. China enacted the first national anti-Spam regulation on March 30th, 2006, which is hereby formulated in accordance with […]