Three sleepless nights and finally, we are done! But damn, NDA so not nothing to say right here except it is a very big project! About 34,000 sqkm big involving over 100M USD. Just glad it is over and I am now at the airport heading home! Wohoo! I am also very sorry that I […]
Author: jseng
VoIP in Malaysia
I havent wrote about VoIP for a while so let me try here. I suppose I could write about the Vonage, about them being sued over E911, sued for patents infrigement, sued by shareholders and the fact their share price dropped by half since IPO. The latter was kind of embarrassing for me as I […]
Blogging in Singapore this week
It started with a innocently with a usual humor piece by mrbrown titled S’poreans are fed, up with progress! on his weekly Friday column on Today (a free press in Singapore). It isn’t the first time mrbrown (aka Lee Kin Mun), the self-acknowledge humorist who “documents the dysfunctional side of Singapore”, making fun of government […]
Who makes the law?
From Your Own Personal Internet The Senate Commerce Committee deadlocked 11 to 11 on an amendment inserting some very basic net neutrality provisions into a moving telecommunications bill… Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) explained why he voted against the amendment and gave an amazing primer on how the internet works: I just the other day got, […]
“You sux!” vs “You sux! :-)”
In an electronic text communication media, much of the facial and vocal expression are not immediately obvious. The way you say “You sux” with the appropriate facial expression could be meaning apart. It is not surprising that people dont communicate as well as they think on email. And if you do click on the link, […]
How to give US$40B away
Warren Buffett, a man who I hold great admiration for, is now giving away (85% of) his fortune, worth US$40B. That’s what I called donation. Buffett has pledged to gradually give 85% of his Berkshire stock to five foundations. A dominant five-sixths of the shares will go to the world’s largest philanthropic organization, the $30 […]
The original community FTTH
I had a dinner with Brough Turner last night. Brough is the founder and CTO of NMS Communications, a NASDAQ listed mobile application and infrastructure company. I really enjoyed our conversation that covers from all things technie from mobile to net neutrality. But above all, the story of the original community fiber project in Sweden […]
CommunicAsia Day 2
Plenty of meetings today, almost back to back, scheduled and unscheduled. Sadly, it also mean I missed a few meeting with some vendors…my apologies. Anyway, in between my meetings, I managed to grab some snipplet of some interesting stuff. 1. WiFi SIP Phones or rather the lack of it. The only one I saw on […]
CommunicAsia Day 1
I was down with a flu yesterday so only managed to get to CommunicAsia 2006 this afternoon. I was told there are a lot more exhibitors this year but I “feel” there is less crowd compared to the last year. Yesterday, Minister Dr. Lee Boon Yang unveil the iN2015 IT masterplan so I went […]
Wasp Nest
When you discover a wasp nest in your car, it is a sign you should be spending more time at home.