Went to visit MyIX today with Bill Woodcock. MyIX is the Malaysia Neutral Internet Exchange that was recently setup. Thanks for having us :-) I have a lot of concerns over the setup but since I already relay my comments to friends involved in the project, I will not repeat them here. Regardless, MyIX is […]
Author: jseng
Afterthoughts of APRICOT 2007
I didnt stay for the whole APRICOT 2007 this time as I am needed back in Singapore. On the other hand, the most useful meetings I get out of APRICOT are the side meetings that is usually held just before APRICOT 2007. Anyway, here are some notes from APRICOT 2007. 1. I was surprised to […]
In Bali
Just arrived in Bali for APRICOT 2007. More specifically, for the side events in APRICOT 2007 since I normally dont participate in the conference itself. Also check into the same hotel I stayed when I was here 2 years ago when I was doing site survey to select the host for APRICOT 2007. I am […]
Skype asks FCC to open up cellular networks
This petition by Skype is one of the most significant milestone for the VoIP, or mobile application, industry. It will decide if the wall-garden cellular network will stay or go. Skype yesterday petitioned the FCC to lay the smack down on wireless phone carriers who “limit subscribers’ right to run software communications applications of their […]
Unconference in Singapore
Last week, I attended Unconference organized by the local Entrepreneur27. Others like Kevin has covered the event so I won’t but I share some thoughts instead. Unconference (and also BarCamp a few weeks before) is unique in many ways. It is close to what you get in the typical “cool” or “geek” event in the […]
Dummy Guide to Wifi Network
This morning, I received an unsolicited request to link to a website. Normally, I just dump them aside but this is an exception. First, it is an article on dailywireless.com, a site that I read occasionally and second, it is a pretty good guide to securing wifi network. How-to: Secure a Wireless LAN By now […]
Communities Dominate Brands
Communities Dominate Brands by Tomi T. Ahonen & Alan Moore Actually I blogged about this book in 2005. But Tomi just send me the book with an autograph (thanks!), I am obligated to mention this book again. Although written two years ago, the content is still as relevant today as it is back then. In […]
Why Singapore is not ready for Web 2.0
I have a few lunches with a few people the last two weeks. Somehow, the topics always come back to Web 2.0 in Singapore, either entrepreneurs thinking to start one, investors looking for one or media policy makers. Sadly, I don’t think Singapore is ready for Web 2.0. Here are three reasons. 1) Singapore do […]
Anymore FON and WiFi Mooching
Thanks to the article on Digital Life yesterday, I received numerous email inquiries about me giving away FONs. If you come to here looking for FON, I am sorry to inform you that that was a few months back and I don’t have any FON left. However, I might be able to get some more […]
An Inconvenient Truth
Finally catch the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” by Al Gore. My wife and me just watch “The Day After Tomorrow” a couple of weeks ago again so much we were drawing parallel comparison between the two movie. Making it more interesting is that we just watch Penn and Teller: Bullshit! Environmental Hysteria, which present the […]