The last 36 hours was a crazy non-stop activities.
Started my day by going to the IX 2007. Met Jeremiah (finally!) although sadly we didnt get much chance to talk one-on-one. (He was blogging, chatting and preparing for his talk). The talks itself was a mixture of good and bad and so-so. Some are so outright offensive that Choon Keat decided to step out of the room totally than to listen to the corporate bullshit about security. Haha.
Left IX after Jeremiah’s talk and drive over to SPH. Did a vodcast for mypaper together with mrbrown. We took a while to discuss before we start because the topic was kind of vague. When we probe further, the producer said “No, really. We have no idea what we want.”. mrbrown later commented that thats a refreshing difference between Zaobao and Straits Times, as the former approaches things with an open mind while the latter often already have an angle to the story and just trying to squeeze quotes from you so they could tell their story. Okay, not always true but happened often enough.
Got a bit of quick bite and then over to meet Dr. Toh See Kiat and Dr. Ang Peng Wah (a very old friend and is also the Vice President of CASE, beside the Dean of NTU School of Information). We have something planned that I am very excited about. :-)
Then hop back to IX 2007 for a party with the digital movement folks. The party is small but it was a blast. Jeremiah already blogged about them and also gave many good advises (thanks!). There are no lacks of entrepreneurs and I spend a lot of time talking to many, some I knew and some new ones. One of the longest conversation I had is with one who tried to argue with me why he dont believe in X (altho he dont have much direct experience inX) in front of another well-known expert on X. I guess this is common problem when you believe too much what you read and listen too little to the people who actually knows the stuff.
ps: Apologies to Jeremiah over the confusion over his name on my part. I had this idea that his real name is Jeremy and Jeremiah is a nick. *doh*
Got home by midnight. Catch up with a bit of emails and then joined Supernova 2007 virtually, watching the Live Stream, keeping update via its blog (Suw was great!), the Jaiku backchannel and most fun on IRC. Suw, Joho, Doc Searl and the whole gang is on IRC. Gosh, my blood was boiling listening to John Kneuer on 700mhz auction. They spent years trying to crawl back 700mhz from incumbents only to auction it to another set of incumbents? Luckily, we have Joho, Doc and Isen tie-ing him apart while Kevin (pretend) to look chagrined.
Stayed until 6am, catch 2 hours of sleep and started a whole new day of meetings until now. Better get some sleep soon cos I want to join Supernova Day 2 tonight again. More fun tonight :-)