
Ten things I hate about you

Trying to catch up with my RSS but I am going to point out the talk by by James Enck at Telco 2.0 called : Ten things I hate about you.

Some of the ten things he mention arent new, stuff many people including myself have blog about in the last two years but heck, it is James Enck! When he speaks, CNN Money listen.

He said these at a conference full of telco executives at their face : telco can’t innovate and telco shouldn’t try to innovate :-)

I remember one of the things Singtel executives was pretty proud of is how they weather through the dotcom bust*. They love to say “we don’t have R&D. we buy product.” And given that Singtel has done excellently in the last couple of years, I think James Enck wasn’t too far off but damn, it is irriating being a technologist in Singapore trying to get the largest local telco interested in anything remotely in R&D.

Anyway, read his article. No wait, download his speech (torrent). :-) (I will do that when I am back home in Singapore).

* hush hush on C2C…”no really, we didn’t lost money during the dotcom bust”

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