Singapore e-Government

A nice article was published on Public Sector Technology & Management, (a site that discuss IT usage in Asia governments) on Singapore e-government. (via InternetPolicy)

Amidst the flags and fly pasts, and other very visible signs of four decades of Singaporean nation building, a profound civic achievement deserves the attention of anyone interested in Asian IT-enabled governance. Put simply, Singapore has succeeded in leveraging the web to create one of Asia’s most engaged citizenries.

What the article did not say is that much of the credit goes to IDA, the agency in Singapore responsible for most of the government IT infrastructure services and implementing e-government services among other things. (Yes, we don’t just put stickers on your handphones). For example, many countries are still talking about how good would it be to have IT integration between different ministries and agencies and to perhaps provide a single login to all government services like tax filing etc, in Singapore style, we already done it (see Singpass).

This is one of the many reasons I am proud to be working in IDA.

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