Random Musing

Obama Staff Finds White House in the Technological Dark Ages

President Obama, with Vice President Biden, finishes signing one of his executive orders on his first full day in office.

One member of the White House new-media team came to work on Tuesday, right after the swearing-in ceremony, only to discover that it was impossible to know which programs could be updated, or even which computers could be used for which purposes. The team members, accustomed to working on Macintoshes , found computers outfitted with six-year-old versions of Microsoft software. Laptops were scarce, assigned to only a few people in the West Wing. The team was left struggling to put closed captions on online videos.

What does that mean in 21st-century terms? No Facebook to communicate with supporters. No outside e-mail log-ins. No instant messaging. Hard adjustments for a staff that helped sweep Obama to power through, among other things, relentless online social networking.

Annotation on Obama Staff Arrives to White House Stuck in Dark Ages of Technology – washingtonpost.com

This is so sad at so many level…

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