
Mixed Reality Lab

Yesterday, I arranged a visit for a friend to the Mixed Reality Lab (MXR). MXR is run by Dr. Adrian Cheok and is currently part of the new IDM Institute in NUS.

Dr Cheok is one of the advisor for Thymos Capital LLP. He is pretty famous among the geeks as he was slashdotted for his Poultry Internet that allows you to pet a chicken over the Internet. (See picture of the chicken suit on the right)

He is now working on a body suit so you can hug someone.

Dr Cheok showed us all sort of stuff, like the Human Pacman, an augmented reality game that you play the Pacman in the physical world.His student also founded a company of the same name, MXR Cube Pte Ltd that made a pretty cool game called WizCube.

Or this concept shoe he design with Nike, that generate power as you walk to power gadgets, like your mobile phone or MP3.


They are also busy preparing for Wired Nextfest in Sept where they going to demo a game that you can play with your pet.

Oh yes, I like this two teddy bears: They have electronic inside that sync with each another over the Internet.if you move the head of the bear, the other bear’s head will move too, or if you hug/squeeze the head, you can feel the squeeze on the other bear. Also included is an IP Phone so it allows you to play with your kids over the internet via a teddy bear.


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