My VoIP Phone number via Pfingo

pfingo.JPGAfter working for almost 2 years on IP Telephony Framework for Singapore, and another year waiting for companies to put the new 3 series numbers into operation (you can imaging how tough to get interconnection done :-), I finally got my own 3 series VoIP phone number :-)

+65-31050266 is the working VoIP number that will call my PC or my handphone. I had AT&T Callvantage a few years ago so I have a US VoIP number for a while. But this is the my first +65 Singapore VoIP number :-) While its not exactly what I dream of (“I hope to see shops in Sim Lim selling voice service packed in a box too!”), I am still very excited over it.

Thanks to the folks at Pfingo which is currently under closed beta. Anyway, I just got it up and running so I cant say much about it yet beyond it is some sort of integrated VoIP, IM and Email PC&Phone service.

More about it after I got sometime to play with it.

Update: It is SIP :-)

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