Random Musing

The Future of Learning

“The Future of Learning” Manifesto is a great read even if you are not an educator.

For the educators, this definitely rings a bell: “I could memorize your facts, but I got Google for that…Are you teaching me to think? Or just to take notes?”

“Playing Small Does Not Serve the World…You’ve got one choice. Play big or stay home. Serve the world or be forgotten.” is an great advise for all alike.

For the parents (and all those who wishes to censors all the “bad things” on the net): “Today you worry about filters and predators and firewalls and the MySpace boogeymen. Okay, I want to be safe. And I appreciate you wanting me to be safe. I just don’t want to live in a locked box in the process.”

Last but not the least, for the technologists, a reminder that Email is dying: “How about we stop talking all giddy-like about the technology. For us, it’s not about the box. Not even about the iPod in pink or black. And it’s definitely not about the email (psst: we don’t email ‘cept when old people need help).”

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