Random Musing

Match Making Day

I am a match making service today. Setting up meeting with A with C, then C with T, and then A with L and all 3 of them happening today. So the whole morning was spent making phone calls and SMSes to make sure everyone got their appointments down, then follow up to see if the meeting went alright.

I do enjoy connecting friends but all happening in a single day is just a little too much work. Anyway, all of them managed to hook up successfully and hopefully they will go on to do their million dollar deals. :-) (no serious..all of them manages >50m usd funds..one of them is handling 4b usd O_O)

Spend the rest of the day travelling and just checked into my hotel in KL. The company that engages me put me up in an hotel apartment with a checkout date “30th June 2006”. Think they want me here for a while ^_^;;

No kidding…I still want to go home this Sat :P

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