
Hanoi Day 1

Before arriving here, I was pretty worried about Internet connection. The last time I was here 3 years ago, I remember I have to do IDD dial up back to Singapore to get my mail. So I was really happy to know there is a broadband and the hotel is wifi-enabled. I also have a chance to speak to their deputy manager yesterday evening and he told me they are paying about US$800 to US$1,000 a month for 640kbps. That’s not too bad at all!

The presentation was well-received altho I have a feeling the audience (mostly government kind of people from ASEAN countries) going to hear similar story again and again over the next couple of days. But it never harms to have people repeating the same story, esp. if they come from different people. :)

I learnt from Mr Kim, Head of KISC that there is no phishing attacks against Korean banks. His explaination is that Korean banks had implemented two factor authentication (single-sign-on and/or PKI solution). And before you are able to logon, the banks will scan your PC if you have anti-keyloggers and spywares and if not, will install one for you. How cool is that?

There could be another possible explaination: the banks dont report the phishing. Afterall, you really do not want to tell the world you just lost X dollars of your clientee money especially if you are a bank. Most banks will sallowed the loses quietly (which makes even more sense to target the bank if I am a phisher btw). But I rather believe Kim’s story. :-)

I should also spend some more time talking to Meng Chow. I enjoy the discussions we had, many we agreed but more importantly on issues we don’t agreed. When you speak to a smart guy that don’t share some of your ideological belief, you get your brain screwed around and really start thinking and questioning. :-)

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