
The Way Forward for Anti-Spam

I am now at MCMC for a discussion on Anti-Spam Strategies – The way forward for ASEAN Telecommunications Regulators’ Council (ATRC). Lots of people are here: OCED, ITU, FTC, various regulators from the region and also industry. But I think this is a close-door event so I couldn’t blog much what was discussed here.

Anyway, coming to MCMC in Cyberjaya is a challenge – even the Taxi driver couldn’t find the way here – so I end up a bit late but in time for my presentation in the morning. I think I did pretty well1 judging from the responses I got from the audience. Oh, one thing I could share tho – during my Q&A, someone asked me to explain blog spam; I started with ‘Well, Malaysian would know blog, thanks to Jeff Ooi …’ and I heard chuckles around the room. Yes, everyone read Jeff ;-)

This is my first time in MCMC new building and I actually met (and have lunch) with the Chairman of MCMC this time. It is also nice to catch up with friends from MCMC … more tea tarik later. ;-)

1 I learned something today: I do well in presentation, I sux on camera and interview. Ah, got to figure out how to improve in those areas…

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