Politeness on Panel

Why is it that we have very interesting discussion openly during dinner or breakfast, but put everyone on a panel on stage, everyone become so quiet and so polite?


This happened at my IDN Workshop yesterday. I wasn’t able to join the pre-panel dinner but I was told everyone have a lot of interesting debates. The morning preparation meeting I have with them are also very heated. I thought we going to have a lot of fun later on stage.

But no, I was so wrong.

I dont mean the panel is lousy (it isn’t – the panelists done a great job I think) but it could have been so much more vibrant and exciting, only if they aren’t all so polite and more willing to speak their mind.

Is it because after two session of debate, everyone is tired? If so, maybe we should not have all these pre-panel meetings. Or perhaps I should just armed myself with a video recorder at the pre-panel dinner and replay them at the session itself.

ps: Of course, I am just kidding on the last suggestion. :-)

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