
How far will spammers go?

I woke up this morning to discover 70+ comment spams in my blog scattered all over. I was stunned thinking that my captcha has failed1 to stop their automated tools.

Apparently, a guy from China (aka was trying to spam my blog so hard that after gotten tired of manually posting comments on my blog, he register an account on my blog, verified himself and then proceed to modify his scripts to spam me. (Registered users don’t need to enter captcha).

All that just to put spams on my blog? How far will they go? That’s why I said Typekey will not work.

Anyway, as easily as he spammed me, a two command to my mysql, “delete from comment where uid=40” followed by “delete from cache”, clean up the blog :-) I greylisted his IP address, switch on CAPTCHA for registered users and call it a day.

1 Actually, I know at least one method to attack my own captcha but I dont intend to up the ante war unless they figure out that method.

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