Random Musing

Reinventing Government

Tom Peters’ posted a review of Bob Stone lastest book called “Polite Revolutionary: Lessons from an Uncivil Servant” which is particularly interesting to me because who I work for :-)

He full well knew that he could not force change on the Federal bureaucracy; even the President rarely succeeds by frontal assault. And as a Pentagon refugee, he knew the silliness of producing ever-to-be-unread, always-to-be-ignored encyclopedic “White Papers” and fat manuals…He knew there were astonishingly effective, renegade Civil Servants (Uncivil Servants?) dotting the landscape. The trick was to ferret them out, certify (via Mr. Gore) their heretofore shunned approaches, applaud them in public, cast their results in Monuments of Documentary Film … and shame scores of others into following the lead of their obstreperous peers.

And I love this quote: “Some people look for things that went wrong and try to fix them. I look for things that went right and try to build on them.“—Bob Stone, Mr. ReGo

Time to look for this book…

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