Telephony Toys and Gadgets

AT&T Callvantage

ATT03.jpgPhew! Just finish setting up my AT&T Callvantage, the new VoIP Voice Service. Actually I got the stuff on Monday but was too busy to do any setup until today. It isn’t difficult but I also took the opportunity to phase out my TV-PVR-DVD-Video-Stereo-Desktop Vaio I got from Japan 2 years ago. I also threw out a box of wires which I kept just-in-case-i-need-it (which of cos is never). I mean, how many power cables does one need as spare? I threw away 15 :P

Anyway, back to the Callvantage. It is IP Telephony service offered by AT&T and they are doing beta testing in some part of Asia. AT&T is offering it free-of-charge to beta testers in return for feedbacks :-)

ATT02.jpgThey allow me to choose any phone number from any city in US (I choosen Menlo Park, CA) and they will route the calls over the Internet to my home!1. Callvantage also comes with lots of interesting value-added services DND, Locate Me, Personal Conferencing! Really cool stuff!

Couldn’t wait to try this baby. So after putting them into my rack, sort out the wires, turn on the devices and making sure my broadband still works, oops, I left my registration info in office :-( Oh well…Definately by tomorrow cos I am leaving for IETF on Sat. It would come handy because this means I can call home from San Diego. :-)

1 Actually I already have a Washington number from Kallfree but thats another story.

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