
Christmas spammer

Merry Christmas!

I have a lovely present this christmas: A blog spammer. :-)

As I have a captcha plugin, the poor guy have been entering comment manually using innocent looking comment (e.g. “Yes, this is a good page”).

Unfortunate for him, I trained my blog engine (using mt-bayesian) to identify his spam in the morning and when he tried it again in the evening, my blog has successful tag them as spam. (I still display spams for testing but I probably should stop displaying them totally soon)

Lovely to see how adaptive my mt-bayesian is :-)Looking at my logs, here are a few interesting things about this particular spammer.

a) He is trying to get blog to link to his site and Given his inocent looking comments, he is just trying to get higher ranking on google.

b) He found my site this link: If you follow through, it is a google search for “link:”, ie looking for site which links to Dan Gillmor.

I suppose many folks who has Dan in their blogroll will get similar spam too.

c) Follow through the google link, it is a google page in Cyrillic characters which implies this guy is likely to operate out of Russia.

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