Random Musing

Ideas overflow

I had two crazy days meetings with various visionaries and champions. Many of them are in town for the IX2003 organized by SITF.

Yesterday, I had lunch with Patrick Gannon, CEO of OASIS. Patrick is in town to kickstart the “Framework for Web Service Implementation TC“, an initiative of my group. His ideas on “Standard Registry” and “Multilingual Web Services” are something I have to follow up with him.

This morning, I had a meeting with Paul Tearnen and Suresh Damodaran, VP and Senior Software Architecture of Rosattanet respectively. They have a new concept of “Reference Object” which would fit very nicely to a project we are working on. I am very excited about the possibilities of “Reference Object”.I had my lunch with Terence Chong from Cisco Singapore and restarted another project which I put onhold for many months. (On second thought, I probably should give this project to another group…)

I rushed back to IX2003 to witness an excellent performance by Wilson Tan (MD Asia Pacific Mercury Interactive). He was chairing a Connected Asia Panel with Lee Hsien Yang (CEO, Singtel), Datuk Mohammed Arif Nun (CEO, Multimedia Development Corporation), Narayana N.R Murthy (Chairman, Infosys Technologies) and Manoo Ordeedolchest (President, ASOCIO).

The panelists were excellent, sharing ideas on how to build a more connected Asia revolved around “de-regulation”, “talent”, “movement of knowledge workers”, “cross border trading”, “establishing niches” and “focus, focus, focus“. Murthy was the most incredible, living up to his “Chief Mentor” title. His golden advices for startup CEOs:

  • predictability of revenue
  • substainability of sale
  • profitability and cashflow
  • de-risk investment (diversify)

And as if these are not enough, I spent another hour listening to futurist Don Tapscott, and certainly, with no regrets! He covers how the future will be like because of the advancement of technologies (Technology Push), the changes in business paradiam in the new economy (Business Pull), the N-Generation who grows up with Internet (Demographic Revolution) and the need for transparacy in corporate governance (Transparency Imperative). (Don’s speech)

All in all, been a fine day…Now, I need to sort out the ideas…

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